Violence is Preventable (VIP)

Violence is Preventable (VIP) offers an overview of violence prevention in the context of gender-based violence in Canada, including our society’s thoughts about children and youth’s exposure to violence against their mothers, and how prevention activities can help. Rooted in BCSTH’s belief in feminist principles, this training provides reasons and ways to talk about violence prevention that are child centered and developmentally appropriate.


  • Foundations in Violence Against Women v2.0
  • Introduction to Working with Children and Youth Exposed to Violence (PEACE 1)
  • Supporting Children and Youth Exposed to Violence (PEACE 2)

Full member fee: $60.00 CDN
Associate member fee: $90.00 CDN

 Non-member fee: $125.00 CDN


BC Society of Transition Houses

The BC Society of Transition Houses develops and delivers online and in-person training tailored to the needs of anti-violence workers who work directly with women, children and youth experiencing violence.

Course curriculum

  • 2

    Unit 1: How Does Violence Against Women Affect Children and Youth?

    • Learning Objectives

    • Violence Against Women and Girls - An Overview

    • Impacts of Experiencing Violence Against Women

    • Violence Against Women and Girls in the Media

    • Reflection

  • 3

    Unit 2: How Can We Work To Prevent Violence?

    • Learning Objectives

    • The Importance of Violence Prevention

    • Early Prevention

    • Three Types of Prevention Work

    • Review

    • Reflection

  • 4

    Unit 3: Approaches to Violence Prevention Work

    • Learning Objectives

    • Adopting a Developmental Perspective

    • Adopting a Child- and Youth-Centered Approach

    • Review

    • Reflection

  • 5

    Unit 4: Working with Schools

    • Learning Objectives

    • Prevention and Schools

    • Effective School-based Practice

    • Dealing with Resistance

    • Video: In Every Classroom

    • Review

    • Reflection

  • 6

    Unit 5: Community Partnerships, Sustainability and Evaluation

    • Learning Objectives

    • Working with Community Partners

    • Sustaining Your Program

    • An Integrated Model of Sustainability

    • Program Evaluation

    • Common Terms in Evaluation

    • Data Gathering

    • VIP Program Orientation

    • Reflection

  • 7

    Unit 6: Violence Prevention and Cultural Inclusion

    • Learning Objectives

    • Responding to Diverse Community Needs

    • Immigrant and Refugee Families

    • The Benefit of Partnerships

    • Indigenous Families

    • Two-spirit, Lesbian, Gay , Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Questioning, Intersex and Asexual Plus (2SLGBTQQIA+) Youth and Caregivers

    • Families with Differing Abilities

    • Case Scenario – Elementary School

  • 8

    Unit 7: Creating Safety in Prevention Programs

    • Learning Objectives

    • Creating Safety for Program Participants

    • Professional Boundaries

    • Creating Safety for Anti-Violence Workers

    • Case Scenario - Creating Safety

  • 9


    • VIP Promotional Video

    • Video: Violence Is Preventable for Very Important People

    • Video: It IS a Big Deal

    • Break the Silence Video and Study Guide

    • VIP Curriculum 2020

    • VIP Facilitator's Guide 2020

    • VIP Brochure 2021

    • VIP Webinar Training Series

    • VIP Promotional Video