Course curriculum

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    • About Legal Issues Supporting Women and Children Experiencing Violence v2.0

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    Unit 1: BC Court System

    • Learning Objectives

    • 1.1 Overview of the BC Court System

    • 1.2 Different Areas of Law

    • 1.3 Civil Resolution Tribunal

    • 1.4 Provincial Court

    • 1.5 Supreme Court

    • 1.6 Immigration and Refugee Board

    • 1.7 Accessible Legal Resources

    • BC Court System Quiz

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    Unit 2: Court Related Issues

    • Learning Objectives

    • 2.1 Intimate Partner Violence and the Law

    • 2.2 Protection Orders

    • 2.3 Legal Documents

    • 2.4 Court Appearances

    • Court Related Issues Quiz

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    Unit 3: Record Keeping

    • Learning Objectives

    • 3.1 FIPPA and PIPA

    • 3.2 Collection of Client Records

    • 3.3 Responding to Record Requests

    • 3.4 Preservation and Destruction of Client Records

    • 3.5 Online Databases and Tech Safety

    • 3.6 Informed Consent

    • Record Keeping Quiz

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    Unit 4: Legal Support for Immigrant & Refugee Women

    • Learning Objectives

    • 4.1 Pathways to Canadian Citizenship

    • 4.2 Vulnerabilities of Immigrant and Refugee Women

    • 4.3 Empowering Information for Immigrant & Refugee Women

    • 4.4 Resources for Immigrant & Refugee Women

    • Legal Support for Immigrant & Refugee Women Quiz

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    Unit 5: Legal Support for Indigenous Women

    • Learning Objectives

    • 5.1 Indigenous Law

    • 5.2 First Nations/Indigenous Courts in BC

    • 5.3 Legal Issues Facing Indigenous Women & Children

    • 5.4 Resources for Indigenous Women & Children

    • Legal Support for Indigenous Women Quiz

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    Unit 6: Legal Support for Women with Disabilities

    • Learning Objectives

    • 6.1 Canadian Laws

    • 6.2 Legal Issues of Women with Disabilities

    • 6.3 Community Resources for Women with Disabilities

    • Legal Support for Women with Disabilities Quiz

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    Feedback Survey

    • Feedback Survey