Indigenous women experience distinct forms of violence as a result of historical and contemporary colonial policies and attitudes.  The layering of colonial and gender violence has resulted in devastating outcomes.

This training course is intended to provide staff and managers at transition houses, second stage houses and safe homes in BC with tools to increase access to services for Indigenous women and their families who are seeking safety from violence.

Pre-requisite: Foundations in Violence Against Women v2.0

Full member fee: $60.00 CDN
Associate member fee: $90.00 CDN

 Non-member fee: $125.00 CDN

Banner image: A section of the mural Spirits of the Realms commissioned by the City of Vancouver. This project is part of the city's effort of reconciliation and served to increase Indigenous visibility on the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations now known as Vancouver. Artists: Haisla  Collins, Jerry Whitehead, Sharifah Marsden, Mehren Razmpoosh, Richard Shorty, Vanessa Walterson

BC Society of Transition Houses

The BC Society of Transition Houses develops and delivers online and in-person training tailored to the needs of anti-violence workers who work directly with women, children and youth experiencing violence.

Course curriculum

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    Unit 1: The History of Colonialism in Canada and the Impact on Indigenous Women and Girls

    • Learning Objectives

    • The History of Colonialism in Canada

    • Strength and Resilience of Indigenous People

    • Truth and Reconciliation

    • The Impact of Colonialism on Indigenous Women

    • Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

    • References and Further Resources

  • 3

    Unit 2: Understanding Cultural Safety

    • Learning Objectives

    • What is Cultural Safety?

    • Barriers faced by Indigenous women

    • The Need for Culturally Safe Transition Houses, Second Stage Houses and Safe Homes

    • Cultural Safety Continuum

    • Reflection on Your Practice

    • Developing an Awareness of Worldviews

    • Stereotyping and Systemic Racism

    • The Case of Brian Sinclair

    • Privilege and Power

    • Equity vs. Equality

    • Broadening Our Lens

    • Summary - Key aspects of cultural safety

    • References and Further Resources

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    Unit 3: Centering Indigenous Women and Children

    • Learning Objectives

    • The Centre of the Framework: Indigenous Women and Children

    • Indigenous Feminism

    • Reflect on Your Practice

    • How Can Centring Indigenous Women and Children Improve Service Delivery?

    • Centring Indigenous Women and Children - Challenges and Promising Practices

    • References and Further Resources

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    Unit 4: Creating Safety

    • Learning Objectives

    • Creating Safety

    • Creating Safety - Challenges and Promising Practices

    • Strengths Based Approaches and Trauma Informed Practice

    • Case Study Scenario #1

    • Reflecting on Your Practice

    • References and Further Resources

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    Unit 5: Cultural Identity

    • Learning Objectives

    • Why is Cultural Safety Important to Service Delivery?

    • Indigenous Protocols

    • Reflecting on Your Practice

    • Cultural Identity - Challenges and Promising Practices

    • Case Study Scenario #2

    • Reflecting on Your Practice

    • References and Further Resources

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    Unit 6: Fostering Empowerment and Engagement

    • Learning Objectives

    • Fostering Empowerment and Engagement

    • Fostering Empowerment and Engagement - Challenges and Promising Practices

    • Reflecting on Your Practice

    • References and Further Resources

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    Unit 7: Establishing and Maintaining Partnerships

    • Learning Objectives

    • Establishing and Maintaining Partnerships and Relationships

    • Collaboration and Coordination

    • Supporting and Collaborating with Local Indigenous Communities and Friendship Centres

    • Partnering with Men in Service Delivery

    • Establishing and Maintaining Partnerships - Challenges and Promising Practices

    • Tips for Establishing Partnerships

    • Reflecting on Your Practice

    • References and Further Resources

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    Unit 8: Continuum of Support

    • Learning Objectives

    • What is the Continuum of Support?

    • Continuum of Support - Challenges and Promising Practices

    • Case Study Scenario #3

    • Reflecting on Your Practice

    • References and Further Resources

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    Additional Resources

    • Violence Against Indigenous Women / Intergenerational Trauma

    • Social / Structural Determinants

    • Housing / Homelessness

    • Resources, Websites, and Videos

    • Partnerships & Programs

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    Course Feedback

    • Course Feedback