Building Supports is designed to enhance the capacity, practices and policies of transition house staff and management to better support immigrant and refugee women leaving violence. Participants will gain an understanding of promising practices and policies that can enhance current transition house service delivery and ensure that they are culturally safe and relevant.

Pre-requisite: Foundations in Violence Against Women v2.0

Full member fee: $60.00 CDN
Associate member fee: $90.00 CDN

 Non-member fee: $125.00 CDN


BC Society of Transition Houses

The BC Society of Transition Houses develops and delivers online and in-person training tailored to the needs of anti-violence workers who work directly with women, children and youth experiencing violence.

Course curriculum

    1. One Woman's Story

    2. Barriers to Immigrant and Refugee Women Leaving Violence

    3. Barriers to Immigrant and Refugee Women Leaving Violence

    1. Who Are Immigrant and Refugee Women?

    2. Who are Immigrant and Refugee Women?

    3. Immigration and Colonialization

    4. The Danger of a Single Story - Chimamanda Adichie

    5. Reflection: The Danger of a Single Story

    6. Culturally Responsive Approaches

    7. Reflecting on Your Current Practice Approaches

    8. What is Cultural Safety?

    9. Key Aspects of Cultural Safety

    10. Privilege and Power

    11. Equity vs. Equality

    12. Broadening Our Lens

    13. Cultural Safety Assessment

    1. Introduction to Promising Practices

    2. Practicing Self-Awareness

    3. Practice Tips: Self-Reflection

    4. Building Trust and Credibility

    5. Reflection: Building Trust

    6. Practice Tips: Conducting a First Meeting or Intake

    7. Practice Tips: Support and Safety Planning

    8. Making Services and Information Accessible

    9. Language and Accessibility

    10. Providing Interpretation

    11. Practice Tips: Providing Interpretation

    12. Reflection: Making Services and Information Accessible

    13. Ensuring Equity in Access

    14. Reflection: Ensuring Equity

    15. Being Responsive and Flexible

    16. Boundaries & Worker Wellness

    17. Recognizing Women's Pre-arrival Experiences

    18. Provide Outreach, Advocacy and Accompaniment

    19. Outreach, Advocacy and Accompaniment in Practice

    20. Practice Tips: Information and Referrals

    21. Case Study #1

    1. Complex Legal Systems

    2. Legal Issues Impacting Immigrant and Refugee Women

    3. Important Legal Resources and Information

    4. Activity: Power and Control Wheel

    5. Lawyers Responses that Empower Immigrant Women Leaving Violence

    6. Navigating a Complex Legal System and How to Keep Women Safe

    7. Case Study #2

    1. Conflict Resolution and Education

    2. Strategies for Addressing Conflict

    3. Handling the Discussion

    4. ​ What If I Make a Mistake?

    5. Conflict Resolution: Resources

About this course

  • $125.00
  • 71 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content